Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest

terjah blog kwn2 ada contest yg menarik
so nk join utk memeriahkn lg
Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest

contest bermula 8 July-16 July 2009
organized by bettYone for her upcoming birthday this July.

Terms and Conditions:

This contest is super-easy to enter.
Complete these six (6) steps and you can stand a chance winning the prizes!

1. Follow bettYone @ My.B.E.T.T.Y.ful.Soul.Blog - add bettYone to your blogroll.
2. Post an entry about -
: : Funny Birthday Moment Photo Contest : :
3. Upload one (1) photo showing your most hilarious birthday moments with a creative written description of the photo.
4. Place the contest button on your blog sidebar.
5. Add my link: in your entry.
6. Drop me a comment with the link to your contest entry.


gmbr ni time celebrates 1st birthday tisya
@Pizza Hut,June 2007
mula2 tisya excited nk terkam kek & cuppies tu
tp bila time nk potong tu, tiba2 plak tisya nk nangis....
agaknye terkejut kot, bila rmi2 nyanyi lagu "happy birthday"
so aku tenangkn tisya utk potong kek itu...nasibaik tisya ok :-)

last but not least, wishing u in advance for tomorrow
"H.a.P.p.Y. b.I.r.T.h.D.a.Y"


  1. wah..dah ader org buat contest nih..ari tuh nak buat gak masa masuk july..sbb my besday pun ntah camne..tak jadi plak..sbb dah buat utk countdown number tuh..hihi..

    dok pikir2 gak takde gambo menarik laa..pape pun..gud luck for tisya..hihi..

  2. eheh..budak2 klw umor stahun kan klw kita wat bezday sure dia nanges mayb sb tgk org rmai kan.tkujat la..ehehe

    good luck yea

  3. fauzieah...hah nanti wt contets lain la plak..ehheh..anyway tq ye

    nana...tu la sebab time tu kecik lg..terkejut la tgk rmi org tp nasibaik tk melalak kuat...hehehehe

  4. weols tgh gigih cari gambar ni..mntak2 sempat!ahaks

  5. watie..hah sila2,today lastday to submit

  6. wah2...masuk contest lagi...

    wish u luck tisya :)

  7. alahai~ shiannya baby nangis..huhu..
