Wednesday, March 31, 2010

cash out Mylook

sure rmi yg masih pening lg psl mylook kn..
so tkpe kita sama2 cuba dlu..tgk camner kn
pg ni aku check $$$$$ makin bertmbh22222

sure tgk tajuk entry aku pg ni sure nk tau camner nk cash out kn
aku pn blum dpt lg info psl ni
tp nk share beberapa soklan la psl mylook
aku copy & paste pn amik dr website mylook gk
mayb ada yg tk sempt bc kn...cuba korang tgk soklan no 4 tu

"After you accumulate a few shares you will be asked for payment information."

ni pemahaman aku la
mayb bila kita smua dh smp certain amount
so br la die inform cara2 nk cash out kot...
tp kalo smua ni tk btul, korang tkyh la riso..
lgpn tk rugi mencuba...dh kata benda free..
bkn kena kuar duit pn..tul tk???
sama2 kita tgu & lihat camner ye
kot2 bole dpt $$$$$ mcm nuffnang..saper tkmo kn
ke ada yg tk mo $$$$$$$
tipu la tu...hehehehehehe

korang2 yg ada apa2 info psl mylook ni jgn lupa la share ye

1.What is MyLook?
MyLook is an internet search service that rewards its members and returns the proceeds from search engine advertising to the people doing the searching. This is done by users being rewarded with shares in the site, and then dividends are paid to users who hold these shares.

2.Are they real shares?
No. They are not real shares registered within a financial system. For legal reasons they are referred to as "shares" within the "game" of However even though they are not real shares, real life payments are awarded based upon the holding of these shares.

3.Are the shares worth anything?
It is not proposed at this stage to make the shares transferable or salable. However they can be accumulated and "dividends" are paid out to holders of the shares.

4.How can I get shares?
Doing searches on Simply sign-up, log in and conduct searches and you will be rewarded with shares. After you accumulate a few shares you will be asked for payment information.

5.How many shares can I get?
You get 1 share for each search you do, with a maximum possible number of shares being 5 per day. You can do more than 5 searches, however you can only get 5 shares on any single day.

6.If you keep issuing more shares, does this mean each share is worth less?
As we issue more shares the site and service is also growing, meaning there is more to be divided amongst the shares. Also in time as well as more users there will be more advertisers outbidding each other for web traffic. It's been shown the more advertisers there are on search engines, the higher the average amount paid per click is. This means a higher per click rate multiplied by more users. In summary both the number of shares, and total size and value of the site is growing at the same time. As you yourself accumulate more shares you are getting more shares in a bigger site.

7.I have another question!
Great! We'd love to hear it, please email it to

hah saper2 yg blum join tu bole clik link ni ye


  1. erm..smlm pon ai tcari2 cane nk cash out...thanks la bgtau ek..kita tg n lihat je dulu...if mama tisha cash out dulu, jgn lupe blanja...kekek

  2. apa lagi masuk jangan tak masuk... siapa tak suka duit kan.. apa-apa pun fahami le dahulu

    Jom Carrefour Express

    Nombor Kat McD???

  3. nak try tak nak..nak try taknak..huhu

  4. huhu..nak try tak nak..nak try tak nak?

  5. sharinginfo...tu la masih mengkaji psl mylook..hehehe

    catlyna..cuba jgn tk rugi pn

    makwe...bgs2 dh nmpk $$$$

    momgues..ko ni slh taip ke:-p

  6. malam tadi godek2 juga mcm mana cara nk cash kan mylook ni
    alah klw tipu pun xpela...benda free xde kuar modal, xpenat pun hjg jari je yg bekerja hehehe

  7. nana...tu la dk godek2 gk so kita tg & lihat la kn

    ayu ibu damia...sharing is caring

  8. note!!! arr
    den salah type

  9. liya dah join kak....tgh malam td liya klik link akak bg...

  10. lg byk la side income..hope menjadi

  11. aku ada jumpa org 2 dah kumpul sampai $175.56 dia still x leh cashout lg..erm..aku still ragu2 gaj ni..

  12. nak tanye leh?ehehe...die cakap 5 search per day kan?semalam dah dpt total 5 search tp hari nih dah wat 3 search tp bilangan die tak bertambah2 dari 5 nape eh?
    lg 1 nih nak tanye pasal google adds lak...saye cube mskkan adds tp die kate isu sy x diterime sbb language..saye dah pilih english tuk blog plus english jugak tuk google adds tu tp tetap tak leh...
    sowi ye...banyak lak soklan...
    BTW saye follow dah blog nih :)

  13. how to cash out mylook funds? pls resoonse
