Monday, March 28, 2011

Mars Needs Moms

sabtu lps kami kuar p tgk wyg
bkn berdua tp bertiga:)
actually hubbyku ada ajk tgk Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa
tp aku tk brp minat sgt citer mcm epik2 ni
kn mau aku tdo dlm wyg:-p
so aku ingt nk tgk citer Big Momma tp dh full
so kami pilih citer Mars Needs Moms

amik couple seat luas skit nk dk bertiga
tp tisya kemain kusyuk tgk citer ni smp tkmo duduk
suka2 die je p berdiri kt seat row lain
nasibaik time kami tgk aritu tk rmi sgt org
so seat byk kosong

part yg sedih, bila Milo tu takut mak die nk mati
tisya plak ckp.."sian mak die mati"....
padahal blum mati lg...

then tisya ckp.."icha syg mama"...
sebak jp aku...

Synopsis: The film follows a boy named Milo. Milo is just beginning summer but his mother gives him chores and tasks like weeding the garden or eating his vegetables. But after Milo tints his sister's face purple, his mother sees no humor in this. She orders him up to his room. After an argument with his mother in which Milo says "I don't see what's so special about mothers!", Milo goes to his room. After falling asleep, Milo does not hear the rumble of the rocket landing outside. After, Martians enter Milo's house and take away his mother, Milo realizes that he has to rescue her. He embarks on an adventure to rescue his mother.

kami smp aritu, show dh start 10minit so tk sempt bli popcorn
then tgh kusyuk tgk wyg tiba2 nmpk tisya dk kunyah popcorn
terkejut gk cz ingt die kutip popcorn jatuh
rupanye time die p dk kt seat row lain tu
die p amik orglain punye popcorn
riso plak aku pn jenguk la
rupanye ada couple ltk popcorn kt seat kosong sebelah
agaknya couple tu tgh "KUSYUK" sgt tgk wyg
smp tisya amik popcorn tk sedar
so lps tu aku kuar p blikn tisya popcorn :)

3 of us b4 kuar wyg

aku ni tk brp lyn sgt citer animasi
tp dh bw anak, citer2 style gini sesuai
so saper2 yg blum tgk tu, p la bw ank2 tgk citer ni...


  1. kelako la tisya ni, pandai dia wat sinopsis sendiri, balqis tak pernah tengok wayang lagik...mau takut kot sebab gelap kan, balqis ni memang takut gelap...tapi leh plak tidok dalam larik tajuk plak

  2. mak aih....sib baik la tisya budak lagi..hihikhik..cute je amik popcorn org sebelah tu pun khusyuk je...tak sedor..tau2 habes kan..hehehhee

  3. macam best jek..aku tgk katun kang nangis plak..hahaa

    tisya..berani nye kamu..hahhaa

  4. hehee
    kita mmg xtgk katon
    xpenah lg bawa damia tgk katon

  5. hahahaha,aku pon blh geng tisya nih,mtgk katun part sedey mmg aku emo, weh,kapel tu kusyuk ape weh??hahaha
