Wednesday, June 22, 2011

kejadian di TGV WANGSAWALK

hah agak saspen disitu:-p
kejadiannya nk tgk wyg
tp byk citer yg dh FULL !!!!!
padahal shownya lambt lg
ingtkn citer tu dh lama kt wyg, tkde org dh nk tgk
mcm KUNGFU PANDA 2/ Pirates of Caribbean
tp masih ramaiiiiiiii.....

bila smp di kaunter tiket wyg:-

1st- tnye KUNGFU PANDA 2
cz dr aritu lg nk bw tisya tgk
tp tgal seat dpn je

2nd- hubby ckp jom lyn cite super 8
aku ckp xbest cz bc review
rmi yg ckp krng menarik

3rd- aku ckp nk tgk KL GANGSTER
cz aku dgr rmi yg review best..
nk2 plak fav actor berlakon
saper lg kalo bkn Aaron Aziz & Ady Putra
tp frust cz tgal seat dpn jugak

last skali tnye citer Pirates of Caribbean
hah nasibaik la ada seat
tu pn dh hampir2 full

**nasibaik citer ni best :) actually tk brp suka sgt citer style gni:-p
tp okla sebab ada JACK SPARROW :)

Synopsis: Produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Rob Marshall, "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" captures the fun, adventure and humor that ignited the hit franchise - this time in Disney Digital 3D™. Johnny Depp returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise. When Jack crosses paths with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz), he's not sure if it's love - or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

capture by tisya lg
die yg soh kami cpt sengih
cz die nk snap:-p

luas skit nk dok 3 org

popcorn wajib bli kalo bw tisya
tisya panggil popcorn tu "POKONG" :)

**dlu2 slalu booking online je tkyh byr pn tkpe
tp skarng kalo booking kena trus byr thru credit card
kitorang tkde credit card so kena Q gk la kt kaunter

**nana, kalo ada promo tiket wyg & popcorn murah kt mydeal,
jgn lupa war2kn..kot2 terlps pandang:)


  1. nasib baik dapat gak tengok walau bukan citer yg mmg nak tgk kan..

  2. la sis..hee

    btw..aah..blh je sape2 on behalf amikkn utk ifa kak red ckp..=)

  3. heheh kita mmg xlayan cite ni
    sejak dari part 1 smpai skang mmg xpenah tgk

  4. hehe ok nanti ada deal wayang & pokong kita inform hehehe

  5. lorr.. akak ingat dh abis promotion kt wayang. Plan cuti skul nk bw depa tgk POTC sapai laa nie masih tertunggak! rase2... this weekend ada lagi tak???

  6. jeles gile sume pakat update psl tgk wayang
    aku lama gile tak tgk wayang

  7. me memang beli tiket siap2 sbb malas q heheh

  8. best x crite pirates of the carribeans tue? tringin nk tgk, huhu~...
