Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nuffnang Premiere Screening: Shark Night 3D

1st time layan movie yg menang dr Nuffnang
selasa lps aku & hubby ke GSC MidValley
disebabkan citer ni kategori 18 so tisya xdpt ikut la

time collect pass kul 8pm-9pm
tp dh ada yg beratur b4 kul 8pm
ada byk meja kt situ selain Nuffnang
antaranye suria fm,red fm,churp churp
tp paling pjg Q kt meja Nuffnang cz ada 2 movie aritu
Shark Night 3D & Don't be Afraid of The Dark

saper cpt collect pass dpt la seat blkng
pastu dpt 2 badge i Nuffnang

lepak mcD jp b4 tgu wayang start kul 9pm

seat kami best gk cz bkn blkng sgt..and bkn paling dpn:)
tp tk brp best cz air-condnye sejuk bangatttttttt
nasibaik ada hubbyku:-p
tgk tajuk ada tulis 3D...aku ingt kena pki spek 3D
tp aku dgr ada org tnye psl spek 3D
staff GSC ckp, utk premiere screening tkde 3D just mcm biasa je
br nk try feel2 pki spek 3D cz nana ckp kalo 1st time pki spek 3D mau pening2...hehehe

hah pjg intronye..meh nk citer psl movienye lak

diorang p bercuti tp percutian diorang jd tragis
cz lps sorg2 mati kena gigit ngan shark
byk adegan terkejut2 part shark tu gigit2...bahaya gk kalo ada sakit jantung...
  aksi tayang bontot byk gk :-p


Arriving by boat at her family’s Louisiana lake island cabin, Sara (Sara Paxton) and her friends quickly strip down to their swimsuits for a weekend of fun in the sun. But when star football player Malik (Sinqua Walls) stumbles from the salt-water lake with his arm torn off, the party mood quickly evaporates. Assuming the injury was caused by a freak wake-boarding accident, the group realizes they have to get Malik to a hospital on the other side of the lake, and fast.
But as they set out in a tiny speedboat, the college friends discover the lake has been stocked with hundreds of massive, flesh-eating sharks! As they face one grisly death after another, Sara and the others struggle desperately to fend off the sharks, get help and stay alive long enough to reach the safety of dry land.

so saper nk tgk citer ni start 3 november 2011 tau
jgn lupa citer ni kategori 18 jgn bw anak:-p

**jumpa blogger femes dlm wyg tu...tgu nex entry.....


  1. sah2 la x ble tgk sbb x suka yg ngejut2 ni. tayang montot?? uk!!

  2. gak tgk citer saspen2 ni hehehehe

  3. harap2 menang cite ni kt cinemaonline ehee

  4. Wahhh jumpa siapa tu??
    Tak sabar nak tau.. :)

  5. best nyer dpt tiket wayang free ni.. yg nmpk vontot tu yg best tu.. hihihi
