Tuesday, January 8, 2013

menang rm 20 shopping voucher

ptg smlm Zety tagged aku kt fb......yg aku slh seorang pemenang
contest like,share & tag Heels and Tux ni

antara adiah2nye

1) 1 set of Body Care from Ted Baker
2) 1 set of Body Care from Soap & Glory
3) 2 x set of Bodyshop miniature shower
4) 1 bottle of Bodyshop Men white musk hair & body wash
5) 2 x RM20 shopping voucher for any products of your choice in our shop :)

so nama aku naik utk menang adiah rm 20 shopping voucher
bole la shopping apa2 brg kt Heels and Tux
 tahniah jua utk pemenang2 lain

brg2 yg dijual di Heels and Tux ni dr UK
so kalo korang berminat or nk cuci mata bole klik FB Heels and Tux

**kemenangan ke-4 utk 2013