Wednesday, March 13, 2013

sape nak menang Samsung 3D LED TV, MacBook Pro or a Toyota Vios!

hah saper tknk kn bila dgr adiah2 best
 mcm Samsung 3D LED TV, MacBook Pro tkpn kete Toyota Vios! 
disamping itu ada pelbagai lagi adiah menarik utk dimenangi
ok kalo korang nk menang senang je...
jom sertai Exabytes Treasure on The Web Contest 

How to win???

  1. LIKE Exabytes (MY) Facebok fan page.
  2. Share the contest photo at least once and tag at least 5 friends on the post.
  3. When a specific number of fans is reached on Exabytes (MY) fan page, prizes will be given away randomly to our fans (Eg. 10 Starbucks Cards will be given to 10 random fans once we hit 81,000 number of fans).
  4. The more you share and tag, the higher chances you can win!

so apa lg uolsss...jom rmi2 kita cuba..
mana tau anda slh seorang pemenang yg bertuah...
lagi rmi korang share & tag kwn2...lagi tinggi peluang nk menang...