Thursday, February 24, 2011

sightseeing kota london

sehari b4 blk ke msia, kami pegi sightseeing
tp syg ari kami jln2 tu ujan seharian
ada skit frust gk la cz tk byk tmpt bole pegi

ni royal albert hall

tmpt siti nurhaliza & raihan pernh wt konsert

London Bridge

London Eye

Big Ben

Buckingham Palace

River Thames

The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben

**kalo gmbr2 yg nmpk titisan air tu
snap dr dlm kete yg time ujan lebat
**kalo yg tkde titisan air tu...antara tmpt2 yg kami sempt singgah

**next entry gmbr kami posing2 kt tmpt2 yg sempt dilawati....


  1. syg la ujan
    aku baca kesah ko ni mcm aku plak yg pegi
    syiok gile

  2. Ujan la plak yer.....tapi gambar still clear..

    Ps : Cam biasa, I dah klik u nyer Nuff, jom klik2 kay

  3. masa me pegi london mac 2010 pun ujan gak...emm..asyik ujan kat london ni hehehe

  4. xdpt nk pegi
    cuci mata pon jadi la

  5. london bridge! teringat lagu dia..hehe

  6. alahai hujan la plak kalo tak best la leh pi round2 sampai ppuas kan
