Friday, March 11, 2011

info SPA murah only rm36 instead off rm168

smlm kn aku ada update entry
MANJAKAN DIRI di Spa dgn harga murah
so ada yg tk phm mcm mn nk beli pakej tu
mula2 korang klik
then sign in thru fb, nanti korang dpt credit rm5
then bila korang nk bli pakej spa tu rm36
bole guna credit rm5 tu so korang just byr rm31 je
bole guna credit card or online payment mcm maybank2u

tp ada yg masih tk phm
soh aku tlg buatkn
aku ok je..dh 4-5 org aku tlg buatkn smlm
arini pn ada lg yg mintak tlg aku buatkn
janji korang bg login fb & password

RM36 instead of RM168 for a
Jacuzzi Spa +
Full Body Scrub +
Hot Stone Back Massage +
Aromatherapy Full Body Massage
for 90 MINUTES at Eve de Beaute, The Strand [78% OFF]

nk tau lebih details sila klik link di bwh:

utk peminat SPA jgn lpskn peluang ni

  • Redemption period: 16 March 2011 - 15 June 2011
  • Due to an overwhelming response to this deal, our partner has decided to extend the redemption period for an additional month. Revised redemption period: 16 March 2011 - 15 July 2011

**kalo yg nk bw husband pn bole
cz ada bilik utk COUPLE SPA
aku dh cal SPA tu tnye :)
so apa lg...ajk ler hubby masing2 p tau:)

**date dh extend cpt2 la booking..aku dh booking dh
tk sbr nk p SPA with my hubby

tgal 2hari je lg utk bli pakej SPA ni..
td aku tgk dh 1028 org yg bli pakej ni