Monday, July 16, 2012

ICE AGE 4: Continental Drift

smlm bw tisya layan citer ICE AGE 4: Continental Drift
bdk2 kalo tgk citer kartun sure suka..kemain gelak tisya
kami smp lg 5 minit nk start
mentang2 dkt ngan umh tp dh ptg2 biasa la parking full kn kt WangsaWalk
so lama jugak la cr parking...time tgh cr parking... 
lg skit kete aku nk accident tp sempt break
nasibaik la tiket dh bli online..cuma nk collect je

Synopsis: Scrat's nutty pursuit of the cursed acorn, which he's been after since the dawn of time, has world-changing consequences - a continental cataclysm that triggers the greatest adventure of all for Manny, Diego and Sid. In the wake of these upheavals, Sid reunites with his cantankerous Granny, and the herd encounters a ragtag menagerie of seafaring pirates determined to stop them from returning home Scrat's nutty pursuit of the cursed acorn, which he's been after since the dawn of time, has world-changing consequences - a continental cataclysm that triggers the greatest adventure of all for Manny, Diego and Sid. In the wake of these upheavals, Sid reunites with his cantankerous Granny, and the herd encounters a ragtag menagerie of seafaring pirates determined to stop them from returning home.

aku kn ada update menang tiket wyg
tgk citer ni kt GSC OneUtama smlm tp belah pagi
tp tkdpt pegi cz hubbyku ada training bola...
so ptg la br kitorang kuar p tgk..sian tisya cz dh ckp kt die nk tgk wyg pg kn
so die manjang dk tnye bila nk pegi tgk wyg:-p

**kalo yg blum tgk, bole la bw anak2 korang layan citer ni...
time ending tu ada nyanyi2...tisya siap nari2 lg...
rupanye yg jd SHIRA-harimau betina tu suara JLO :)


lps tgk wyg, p mkn kt area umh je

jus nenas & sirap bandung
sup perut, daging masak merah & burung puyuh sweet sour.....
nasi 3 rm 26.00

dua beranak yg suka posing...
posing sementara tgu makanan smp:)

**lprrr plak tgk menu makanan ni especially burung puyuh
cz tk byk restoran ada jual burung puyuh :-p


  1. wahhh lapar terus tgk makanan tu..

    Lama dah x tgk wayang..huhuh

  2. entry kite samam la pasal Ice Age 4..beza cume erin dpt tgk, kite xdpt tgk..uwaaaa...

  3. Dah tengok..memang kelakar gilerr..hahaha...

  4. pg wyg hari tu tp hubby xmo tgk katon! :(

  5. smlm da ade dpn wayang da nk beli tiket ice age ni
    tapi tau la syarul tu, pandai ngelat kalo aku ajak tgk wayang
    hahaa pasrah je la

  6. patut la tak tgk pg..
    naseb baek yg pagi tu free, hihi

    best ek?
    ngan madagascar mana best?
    adey, zakwan asek dok ngajak je ni..

  7. aku pun dah tgk cita nie..memang best!!

  8. semalam tgk juga
    memula2 tu datang wangsa walk nak redeem tiket free cite momok tu
    tp xleh sebab kena tgu 2 migu
    dah blk umah amrul kata
    jom la tgk ice age
    ktorg tgk malam
    kuar umah pas magrib
    kaunter xde org pon
    barakah tu kita suke jugak
    esp dia nye udang tepong
    tp tomyam dia xsuke
    sebab xkena ngan selera

  9. kita pun dah lama sangat x bawak dhiya gi tgk wayang..sian dia

  10. mujurv la xape2..kak amy makan puyuh ek?? na tak maknn..huhuhu

  11. samelah..dah last tuh baru tau suara rimau betina tu suara JLO..=p

  12. waaa seronoknye kua dengan family cemni :)
