Wednesday, November 28, 2012

utk peminat Coffee Bean buy 1 FREE 1 vouher

ada special promo sempena pembukaan outlet baru kt Lot 10 esok
so kalo opis korang berdekatan ngan Lot 10 bole la singgah
bli regular dpt free yg small Mocha or Vanilla
opis kitorang dkt gk tp bole tahan penat gk jln kaki:-p

Celebrating New Opening @ Lot 10 Bukit Bintang
The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf Lot 10
is giving away Buy 1 Free 1 Ice Blended Voucher
on 29 November 2012
Get small Mocha or Vanilla Ice Blended
minimum purchase of any regular size drink
What’s more?
300pcs of loyalty TCB  card with RM25 pre-loaded
will be giving away upon any purchase of RM30 and above
Promotion Period
29 November – 29 December 2012

Terms and Conditions
  • Promotion is valid for minimum purchase of any regular size and get small Mocha or Vanilla Ice Blended at Lot 10 only.
  • Promotion is not valid with any other promotion or discount.
  •  The offer for The Coffee Bean card  is limited to the first 100 customers for the first 3 days of opening.


  1. best tu.. tapi esok gi klinik check up.. sure lunch time kena ikat kat opis punya.. sbb dah amik time kuar..

  2. sukenyeeeeeeee opis die tgh2 tuh.. bole dpt mcm2

  3. tak penah pon makan minum kat sini.. hewhew...

  4. menarik jauh la nak g sana...huhuhu

  5. seb baik jauh
    klw dekat dah beratur dah hehee
