masih dlm mood contest
kalini giveaway from Japan
dr Yatie Chomeyl
cz tklama lg die nk blk msia
adiah2 adalah sponsor dr hubby yatie
menarik ye kwn2 adiah2 yg bakal dimenangi
entry must submit b4 3pm on 24 August 2009
Grand prize : Kid's Yukata
(japanese traditional costume for festival *leh pakai hari raya nanti*)

2nd - 5th prize :
cz tklama lg die nk blk msia
adiah2 adalah sponsor dr hubby yatie
menarik ye kwn2 adiah2 yg bakal dimenangi
entry must submit b4 3pm on 24 August 2009
Grand prize : Kid's Yukata
(japanese traditional costume for festival *leh pakai hari raya nanti*)

2nd - 5th prize :

YC1 : Men's bento lunch box (size: M) & sunflower glass cover
YC2 : Aluminum Can Cooler & Kid's bento lunch box (blue colour)
YC 3 : Girdle Sauna Supporter & Kid's bento lunch box (pink colour)
YC 4: Men's bento lunch box (size: L) & sunflower glass cover
YC2 : Aluminum Can Cooler & Kid's bento lunch box (blue colour)
YC 3 : Girdle Sauna Supporter & Kid's bento lunch box (pink colour)
YC 4: Men's bento lunch box (size: L) & sunflower glass cover
tp disebabkn bln august ni sempena anniversary kami
so aku pilih gmbr hubby cium pipiku utk this giveaway..
gmbr ni di pilih cz bkn senang nk capture gmbr ni by that time
(tp kalo tnye time skarang no hal je...hehehehe)
al-maklum la pengantin baru so masih malu2 lg la time tu
bila tgk gmbr ni... tringat kejadian ketika itu
time ni majlis bersanding di rumah aku
gmbr ni nk pose romantic gtu
tetamu masih lg rmi then mereka dk tgk aksi kami pose
tp kami selamber je..buat2 mcm tkde org yg tgk
cz sesi photoshoot ala2 studio ni kt ruang tamu saje
bersebelahan ngan pelamin just guna backdrop saje
tetamu yg dtg nk jmpe pengantin so terpaksa la stop
then sambung blk photoshoot ni...
aku asyik nk tergelak je la, brp kali ntah photographer tu snap
utk capture aksi yg terbaik saat itu
sebab aku ni mmg suka gelak, rs mcm gelihati je bila nk pose camgini kn...
mmg tk reti la cz aku bkn jenis natural..
dh kata bkn model malu2 gtu...hehehehehe
kalo korang perasan bila tgk gmbr aku ni mcm tahan gelak je...
aku time tu rs nk ckp kt photographer tu mcm ni
"cpt la abis cz tk tahan nk tergelak dh ni.."
tp kata2 itu tk terkeluar pn just dlm hati saje....
so aku pilih gmbr hubby cium pipiku utk this giveaway..
gmbr ni di pilih cz bkn senang nk capture gmbr ni by that time
(tp kalo tnye time skarang no hal je...hehehehe)
al-maklum la pengantin baru so masih malu2 lg la time tu
bila tgk gmbr ni... tringat kejadian ketika itu
time ni majlis bersanding di rumah aku
gmbr ni nk pose romantic gtu
tetamu masih lg rmi then mereka dk tgk aksi kami pose
tp kami selamber je..buat2 mcm tkde org yg tgk
cz sesi photoshoot ala2 studio ni kt ruang tamu saje
bersebelahan ngan pelamin just guna backdrop saje
tetamu yg dtg nk jmpe pengantin so terpaksa la stop
then sambung blk photoshoot ni...
aku asyik nk tergelak je la, brp kali ntah photographer tu snap
utk capture aksi yg terbaik saat itu
sebab aku ni mmg suka gelak, rs mcm gelihati je bila nk pose camgini kn...
mmg tk reti la cz aku bkn jenis natural..
dh kata bkn model malu2 gtu...hehehehehe
kalo korang perasan bila tgk gmbr aku ni mcm tahan gelak je...
aku time tu rs nk ckp kt photographer tu mcm ni
"cpt la abis cz tk tahan nk tergelak dh ni.."
tp kata2 itu tk terkeluar pn just dlm hati saje....
just nk show the making of
"Kisses of Love"
mula2 nyorok blkng hubby
pastu laga2 pipi then br kiss romantic...
nasibaik tk trus cemolot...hahahahahahaha...
so kalo korang nk join sila click link:
Yatie Chomeyl's giveaway - Kisses of Love
"Kisses of Love"
mula2 nyorok blkng hubby
pastu laga2 pipi then br kiss romantic...
nasibaik tk trus cemolot...hahahahahahaha...
so kalo korang nk join sila click link:
Yatie Chomeyl's giveaway - Kisses of Love
wahh contest romantic lg...kekeke...gud luck ye..
ReplyDeletepsstt...aku gmbr kawin x de la gmbr photoshoot cm gmbr kiss skrg ada la..kekeke..
good luck yer..hiks!
ReplyDelete^^ kena letak picca Nureen + abah dier la nie..hahaha..
^ x ler..aku malas nk joint ko jer ya..:) kalo ko nk join bole die nk gmbr yg cium tk kisah la bila2 ms pn...
ReplyDeletegie...hah ko submit la gmbr nureen & abah nye
salam mama tisya, dah terjah...good luck ;)
ReplyDeletehehehhehe contest lg..mcm best jea nak join :D
ReplyDeletesuka aku contest2 gni weh :) GOOD LUCK !
ReplyDeletekalau imbas kembali detik2 snap gambar masa bergelar pengantin dulu mmg aksi malu2 jer...maklum lah tak biasa hah..dah luar biasa amat dah hahahahah
nice blog that you have...a big credit to you..
ReplyDeletesweetnye :)
ReplyDeletegud luck kak!
hohho..selamat maju jaya...tantek piccas..hehe
ReplyDeletemak aiiii .. xmalu erkkk
ReplyDeleteromantic habis le ni
ahaks.lawak la muka u mcm malu2 dong ah..hiks..btw, good luck dear!
ReplyDeleteehehe.. saat bahagia..